Reloaded Blog

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

2nd day in Tsukuba - Road to the poor house

The second day of conference is nearly over. I have done my presentation with usual flourish and some colourful SAR images. Then I went to Tokyo-Akihabara with Kostas from DLR. Spent some time admiring the lights and trying all the ATM's in sight. I was feeling rather poor , till I realized the only international ATM's are the Post Office - something to be really careful about next time I am in Japan.

There was some interest in using World Wind to display imagery from a Global PALSAR mosaic built up every 4months (Over land and cloud free - it's SAR !!) from the Kyoto and Carbon initiative. They have been fiddling with Google Earth since that's all they know off but World Wind can push in on this, since adding all the KML's to show imagery in Google is a real pain. Hope we can attract the Scientific community on the Envrionmental and Global Warming issues more with this data.

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