Reloaded Blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Had to have this before I went to bed ... just too cute ... reminds me of Vola. By the way hope my ALOS loader gets accepted by the ratty people at RAT.

Monday, January 30, 2006

remote central

remote central

Nice Random stuff that I like reading ... where are we heading ?

Shapefile GUI and Orion POLSAR

Work on WW Shapefile GUI is going well with integrated SharpZipLib support. Matlab POLSAR proccessor with not so good clustering support took 1200sec to filter 1.6Gig of ALOS Polsar.

Snowflakes and Cat snores

Real Time Snow Rain and Clouds ... but the beauty of this snowflake still amazes me. There are so many small things in life that if you look at closely enough will blow you away. Like the breath of the cat snoring away on my bed.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

After all the fiddling with JOGL API I have a textured sphere ... now off to handle mouse handlers. Good lesson for me. JOGL makes life unbelievably easy, hope Chris gets the design done soon.

Jogl and Matlab DCT

Spent Saturday lazily reading throught MATLAB DCT and Jogl demos. Managed to make a sphere with sample code. Hopefully will be able to make a prototype World using C stuff from Swinburne. Also looked at all the mad cool rendering code from VTP, check out the clouds. Will be good to have Real Time Modis fast rendered into clouds.
Will post a screenie as soon as my JOGL Earth is Textured.
This is some tool for reverse engineering -- catch all the 3D models u love using OGLE.
Wishing my special friend a swift recovery ... from a "Hitch" like crisis. Don't drink too much antihistamine syrup!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Start with a bang

This being my first blog and all I'm gonna start off with a flurry. All the activity at work has been focused on World Wind. Yesterday was so much fun getting a FIREYE release out of the door and setting up for demos.

For the quality of data try this on. Double screen eye candy.

In other news, I asked a girl out, whom in true geek fashion I met on the net. Let's see how things turn out. For now just enjoying the conversations with "my lawyer".